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ADHD – Adults

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is common for people of all ages. It can affect people from childhood into adulthood, even if they are unaware they have it. ADHD in adults can show in many ways, from having difficulty paying attention to practicing impulsive behaviors. Some symptoms of ADHD may interfere with your life, leading to challenges in your relationships, career, motivation, organization, and self-esteem.

If you struggle with ADHD, Greenwich Psychology Group can help you manage it with our treatment for ADHD in adults. We believe it is never too late to start addressing challenges and succeeding on your terms.

What is Adult ADHD?

Adult ADHD is when adults have disruptive and persistent symptoms that hinder their quality of life. They may have difficulty controlling their symptoms, such as forgetfulness, disorganization, mood instability, or feeling overwhelmed. The inability to control impulses can lead to adults living a chaotic life.

Adult ADHD can be difficult to diagnose because many signs and symptoms are similar to those caused by other conditions, like anxiety or mood disorders.

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Symptoms and Challenges of ADHD

Symptoms and challenges of ADHD differ for each adult depending on their age and life experiences. Some people with ADHD as children can “grow out of” their symptoms as they age, while others’ symptoms follow them into adulthood. ADHD symptoms can range from mild to severe, appearing frequently or only in specific situations. Many symptoms and challenges people with ADHD may experience include:

  • Trouble coping with stress.
  • Impulsiveness.
  • Hyperactivity.
  • Restlessness.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Frequent mood swings.
  • Poor time management skills.
  • Problems focusing.
  • Hot temper.

Finding treatment can help people with these ADHD symptoms manage them better.

Symptoms of ADHD in Women

While ADHD is prevalent in all types of people, diagnoses and research for boys and men have been more standard compared to girls and women. Getting an accurate diagnosis of ADHD for women often doesn’t occur until they are well into adulthood, sometimes in their 30s or 40s. While ADHD has similar symptoms for all genders, some people overlook a younger girl or woman having ADHD because they aren’t as hyperactive as boys and men.

Common symptoms of ADHD in women:

  • History of anxiety and depression
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Disorganization
  • Difficulty with time and money management
  • inability to focus
  • difficulty sleeping
  • self-care

At Greenwich Psychology Group, we specialize in treating ADHD in women to increase their quality of life.


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Treatments for ADHD

Our expert clinicians can diagnose and treat ADHD. We offer comprehensive evaluation and treatments to best suit you, such as executive function skills, emotional regulation skills, interpersonal effectiveness skills, mindfulness and relaxation techniques, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and dialectical behavioral therapy. At Greenwich Psychology Group, we tailor our treatments and strategies to your needs. Some treatments our clinicians may use are:

Executive Function Skills

Improving executive function helps patients self-monitor to analyze their actions and reactions, regulate emotions, strategize toward goals, initiate tasks, organize and keep things in order, initiate and complete assignments, execute complex tasks, and pay attention to details.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps patients understand their thoughts and behaviors associated with ADHD and provides ways to manage their symptoms. Our clinicians will help you learn coping skills to deal with your negative thoughts and behaviors more effectively.

Mindfulness-Based Therapy

Mindfulness therapy and stress management techniques also help you focus on managing your ADHD symptoms. You’ll learn different ways to relax and let go of the past, helping you move forward and succeed.

Have questions? Ask our experts.

Request a Consultation

You can make long-lasting positive changes with the right combination of treatments for adult ADHD. Greenwich Psychology Group’s expert clinicians have a strong dedication to helping you discover your full potential. We provide treatment for ADHD in adults in Greenwich, Connecticut, and Manhattan, New York.

Start the journey to reclaiming your life by requesting a consultation today.

Take the GPG Symptom Checker

At Greenwich Psychology Group, our symptom checker helps clients track their symptoms of depression or anxiety. Taking the assessment doesn't provide a formal diagnosis, but it can help you determine what next steps you may need to take. The evaluation uses a series of questions to review the feelings and symptoms you've experienced over the past two weeks. The results will help you distinguish if professional help is the best next step.
