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Dr. Zackson Discusses Addiction And Trauma

Dr. Judith Zackson joins Bob Salter on CBS Radio to discuss PSTD & Addiction on honor of Memorial Day 2016.

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Kids and Technology: How to Strike the Perfect Balance

By Dr. Judith Zackson | July 8, 2016 Parent often question themselves: how much technology usage is healthy for kids? Is it an educational tool or a detriment to their development? The truth is that technology usage is not a one size fits all solution that can apply to all children. For some technology can…

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Can You Ever Truly Reinvent Yourself?

By Dr. Judith Zackson | July 4, 2016 The truth is that reinventing yourself is not an easy feat. One of the major reason people will reinvent themselves is because they have no choice; they feel like they are dead emotionally and their current life is unbearable. Reinventing yourself does not mean abandoning your personality, on…

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How Do You Know It’s Time To See A Therapist?

By Dr. Judith Zackson | June 21, 2016 It is time to see a therapist when we feel something is not right. We don’t have to wait until we are suffering but rather detect early warning sign. We can ask ourselves: is our relationship fulling? Is our sex life optimal? Is the quality of our…

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Take the GPG Symptom Checker

At Greenwich Psychology Group, our symptom checker helps clients track their symptoms of depression or anxiety. Taking the assessment doesn't provide a formal diagnosis, but it can help you determine what next steps you may need to take. The evaluation uses a series of questions to review the feelings and symptoms you've experienced over the past two weeks. The results will help you distinguish if professional help is the best next step.
