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new york post

COVID-19 fears turning NYC playgrounds into war zones

Lauren Conlin has seen her share of pandemic playground drama. Once, another mom yelled at her for briefly pulling her mask down so she could sip her iced coffee. “I was about 8 feet away and she said, ‘Ma’am, can you pull your mask up? Like, there’s a reason we wear these,’ ” Conlin, a celebrity…

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holding hands in masks

Adaption and Resilience while living through COVID-19

Home has become many things in the age of COVID-19. It is the office, the gym, the salon, the closest restaurant — and for many parents, it is now the classroom. The shift to distance learning has been a major transition for everyone, leaving even the most organized and energetic parents feeling overwhelmed by the…

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mental health men

Why Mental Health for Men Matters

I often hear men describing a gap between what they are feeling and what they are expected to feel, and that makes it even worse. “Why am I complaining?” I often hear. “I was raised to be strong and to tough it out. If I was in a third world country, or a prisoner, I could understand that I might feel unhappy and angry. But I live a pretty good life, in a nice house with a beautiful family. This is all I ever wanted, so why am I not happy? Why do I feel that things are not right? Why the anger and irritability?”

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bravoTV 560x360 1

Can You Ever Truly Reinvent Yourself?

Delaina Dixon It was a break up that led Soo Jin to make a drastic change in her life … and her location. “I didn’t experience my first heartbreak until I was 31 with the guy who I thought was the one,” she says. “When that didn’t go over the way I thought it would—with…

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Take the GPG Symptom Checker

At Greenwich Psychology Group, our symptom checker helps clients track their symptoms of depression or anxiety. Taking the assessment doesn't provide a formal diagnosis, but it can help you determine what next steps you may need to take. The evaluation uses a series of questions to review the feelings and symptoms you've experienced over the past two weeks. The results will help you distinguish if professional help is the best next step.
